One (or more) of the 85 Districts considered
Thanks to the City’s Open Data Policies and Open Mapping, We have Insights!
We look at San Francisco from the cartographer’s point of view using open data.
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You Have Questions, There Are Answers
Question or Topic | Click Here | Notes/Comments |
When was it Built? | Not everything was built in 1900 as we know but when you get down to it and zoom into your block, you will see that the vast majority of structures were built long ago — well longer than what’s needed to count as needing historic review if you want to do a big remodel. | |
What Neighborhood am I really in? | Not the MLS districts but the ones the City uses, which are more nuanced but less so at the same time | |
How is the Air? | The difference between the City’s 2014 map and the 2020 map is striking as it seems a lot more people are living in zones exposed to air pollutants. | |
Whose Planning District is it anyway? | The answer to this and other questions like if a location requires mandatory Discretionary Review can impact anything from whether or not you can go up or out or how long it may take to get rid of that otherwise blighted building at the corner down the block. | |
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